Loving Others As Yourself

I am always looking for my next directive from the Lord.  Always asking what I should be doing and what’s next for my life.  Oftentimes I think we are looking for crystal clear directions.  We want God to say, “go here, do this, tomorrow do that”.  But sometimes it’s not about one specific plan.

The other day He responded by instructing me simply to reach out to others by lifting them up with encouragement, love and support.  


Directive received!  So what exactly does that look like?

Perhaps it’s simply about taking the time to put others first and showing them you care.  To put their needs before your own.  People need encouragement.  They need to feel valued, loved and appreciated and that they matter.  Perhaps that’s why today’s society has become so disconnected.  People aren’t getting those needs met, so we just continue to disengage.  It’s a domino effect.  But it’s time we start picking up the pieces and turn this ship around.

I’m going to put my heart completely out in the open here to give you a little background about things I’ve experienced along my journey through life…

I’ve always been a very quiet, shy person, and unfortunately when you’re like that people have a tendency to overlook you.  I was often left out, passed over and forgotten.  I cared for others, but wasn’t cared for in return.  All very painful emotions.  Why did I not fit in?  Perhaps I was too sensitive.  Maybe I needed to change.  Like Rudolph sings in that great Christmas Classic, “Why am I such a misfit?”  That has always resonated with me…

As a way to change and prevent the hurt, I went through a phase where I tried to be like everyone else.  I acted in ways that I thought would make me more accepted, but after a while it just left me feeling burned out.  That just wasn’t me.  So as an alternative, I decided to back away from people who hurt me and just look out for myself and my family.  I was thankful to have at least one place where no one could hurt me.  

But I began to realize that God has more in store for me than that.  After all, I can’t change the world for the sake of Christ if I am just keeping to myself!  I now wanted to fully accept who I felt the Lord had called me to be, even if it meant getting hurt again.

Then something amazing happened.  God started to heal my heart.  He began breaking down my walls to allow others in again.  He helped me to finally accept who I am.  I began to feel just how much He loves me.  He accepted me, and that was all that really mattered.  As a result, I am the happiest now that I have ever been.  He’s given me a brand new perspective in life.

He has taught me that everything I went through was for a purpose.  All the pain and loneliness I went through has now become the fuel to love others more.  I never want anyone to feel that way, so I will always encourage and uplift others no matter what.  Sharing God’s love, being kind and encouraging to others…these are the things that matter most in life.

The Lord has healed my heart completely and filled it with His love, and I only want to pass it on to others in whatever way I can.  So friends, know that you are cared for.  I want to see you all succeed and have the best life possible.  Also know that the Lord loves you with all His heart and only wants good things for you, too.  

If there’s anything that I can pray for, please let me know.  God bless you all.  Amen.


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