Truth Be Told

There has been something rolling around in my brain for the last couple of days and I feel like it will continue if I don’t get it out on “paper” so here we go! I know it’s been a while…

Let me start off with a little story. About this time last year I stumbled onto the truther movement, quite by accident I might add. I was in the process of searching out spiritual truths and had been going down a lot of rabbit holes on YouTube. One day I happened to stumble upon a video called “The Plan To Save The World”. Boy oh boy, I had no idea how that one little video was about to flip my whole world upside down…or perhaps it was right side up. I’m still not really sure. If you haven’t seen it yet and are interested, you can watch it here.

I had officially been “red pilled” without even realizing it. This was also the first time I had heard of Qanon. Up until that point I couldn’t have cared less about politics and such. They were all crooked to me, so what was the point of it all anyway? This was the first time in a long time I started paying attention again. That said, this post is NOT about politics. Even to this day there is still a part of me that doesn’t care much for such things. No, it goes far deeper than that…

One thing that video did do was open my eyes to the truth of this world…or at least it made me want to investigate and learn more. I started doing so much research it was making my head spin, not to mention some of the things I learned were EXTREMELY hard to stomach. The pure evilness of it all still astounds me. It was too late. I was too affected. There was no way I couldn’t NOT be forever changed at that point. It moved me to the point that I had to do something, but what?

It was at that point that I teamed up with my friend Korie, who happened to stumble upon this video at the exact same point in time, so we had an equal understanding of it all. Newbies! We both felt led to do something, so we started our podcast: The Time Is Now. It is just our part of the puzzle in trying to search for truth and piece together what is really going on in this world. Are the dark forces of this world finally being taken down as Q and that video claim?

I know that there are some people that will watch that video, or have watched that video, and just because it involves showing our President in a positive light, will immediately shut the whole thing down as a crazy conspiracy theory. I’m not here to tell you one way or the other what to think. Use your own discernment. What I am curious to is, are you even open to the possibility that it could be true? If not, why?

How badly do you want truth? Are you willing to rethink everything you’ve ever believed? Could there really be an evil cabal that’s been ruling our world for centuries? For the record, I am still open to the possibility that anyone may be involved in the Deep State/Cabal, including our President. From what I have seen though, it is my opinion (emphasis on opinion!) that he truly is fighting all of this evil head on BUT, if it’s all some great psyop…well, I am open to that possibility as well. Absolute TRUTH is all that matters to me in the end, no matter who is guilty. Are you able to say the same? Even if it means people you respected and trusted are the ones involved in the corruption?

One thing is for sure, this truth movement..whether you want to call it Qanon, the Great Awakening or whatever you like..has opened a lot of eyes and minds to the fact that we have been lied to on a MASSIVE scale. To me, the Mainstream Media truly is fake news and the enemy of the people. They are bought and sold, controlled and told what is news and what isn’t. The same goes for the music/entertainment industry and many politicians. They are all part of the same machine. Conform or be cast out…

That’s why my friend Korie and I do what we do with our podcast. The whole world is demanding truth! We are all tired of being lied to. I do believe little by little, change is happening. Together we are strong. That is the precise reason “they” want us all divided. They no longer have control when we band together. Have you ever seen A Bug’s Life? Some truth in plain sight right there.

There are some very dark agendas in this world. So dark you can’t even fathom it. It’s the darkest things of this world that have affected me the most. Things involving the most innocent and precious of all: our children. The unbelievably sick acts that go on I can’t even stomach. Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is real, and there are very powerful people in this world that take part in such horrendous things. That is my conclusion at least, but do your own research and decide for yourself. Just be warned, there is no turning back after that.

It’s affected me to the point where I can’t NOT do something about it. Even if raising awareness is all I can do, it helps. We will never heal as a society if the darkest parts of it are not dragged into the light to be cleaned up, aired out and healed. The SRA is the worst of it, however there is so much more. People will tell you these are all crazy conspiracy theories, but are they? Maybe they are topics the dark ones of this world don’t want you to know about so they label them as such, all in an effort to sabotage the truth. Case in point, see photo below:

There is nothing you can ever say to convince me that these are normal “contrails” that planes are putting out! I don’t know who is doing it or why, but I digress…just one of the many things to contemplate in this world.

In the meantime they have us all so busy and distracted that hopefully we won’t even have time to contemplate or care about such things! This is how they get away with it. Lull us to sleep with fluffy distractions and having to work, work, work to pay for them all. I’m not pointing fingers. Lord knows I am just as guilty as the next person. Disney has always been one of my biggest escapes from it all, but that is a whole other ball of wax that I’m not going to go into at this moment in time.

I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer or fear porn alarmist. This is actually a movement based upon love. I just want people to wake up to what is happening behind the scenes so we can unite and work together to stop it. This literally is war, and it’s a very spiritual one! Make no mistake about that.

Just know that we’ve got the victory my friends. Remember, united WE stand! Together we CAN make a difference! Much love.

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