Tag Archive | healing

Loving Others As Yourself

I am always looking for my next directive from the Lord.  Always asking what I should be doing and what’s next for my life.  Oftentimes I think we are looking for crystal clear directions.  We want God to say, “go here, do this, tomorrow do that”.  But sometimes it’s not about one specific plan.

The other day He responded by instructing me simply to reach out to others by lifting them up with encouragement, love and support.  


Directive received!  So what exactly does that look like?

Perhaps it’s simply about taking the time to put others first and showing them you care.  To put their needs before your own.  People need encouragement.  They need to feel valued, loved and appreciated and that they matter.  Perhaps that’s why today’s society has become so disconnected.  People aren’t getting those needs met, so we just continue to disengage.  It’s a domino effect.  But it’s time we start picking up the pieces and turn this ship around.

I’m going to put my heart completely out in the open here to give you a little background about things I’ve experienced along my journey through life… Continue reading