Have Faith, Will Travel

Sometimes in life we get ourselves into situations that we feel we need to stay in.  Situations that may not be the best for us to live up to our true potential.

Maybe we get stuck in a job we don’t like and feel we need to stay just because it’s stable and will pay the bills.  Or maybe it’s a relationship we invest a lot of time in, so we feel we can’t just up and walk away.

But when any of these negative situations goes on for too long, it can begin to steal our joy and zest for life.  I speak from experience, and it’s one of the reasons I am so passionate about telling people that we have but one life to live, so it’s important that we live it well and to its fullest potential.  God wants us to live in such a way that it’s a light for all to see.  We can’t do that if we’re stuck in a situation that’s constantly dragging us down.

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In my situation, I stayed at an unsatisfying job for far too long.  While it was a decent job that I did my best at, it just got to the point where I lost my spark.  My usually positive state of mind had drifted to a negative place that I never thought it could.

I knew I had to get out, or I would lose myself completely.  It felt like I was literally dying inside.  And honestly, I was.  At least spiritually speaking.  It just felt like God had something more in store for my life.

So, I left.

It was a little scary at first, not really knowing what I was going to do next, but at the same time knowing it was the right decision.  I knew that God was looking out for me.  I felt myself finally getting back on track.  I prayed for His guidance now that I was in this exciting new place.

I kept feeling the Holy Spirit nudging me to start this blog, and so I did.  I still don’t know how He’s going to use it, but again, that’s part of the excitement.  I trust Him completely and know that all will be as it should.

Another thing I am truly amazed about is the way God worked everything out.  When I left my other job, I was a little concerned about the loss of income.  Not that I made a huge amount of money, but it still helped to contribute to the household.

About a month after I left my job, it turned out that my sister’s business was growing and she asked if I could help.  I couldn’t believe it!  Not only could I still have some income, but now I could do so working side-by-side with my sister!  What an amazing blessing!  God is true to His promises.  He will provide a way!  I truly thank God every day for working things out so perfectly.


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I tell you all of that to tell you this; if I had stayed where I was out of fear of change or the unknown, I never would have had the opportunity to start up this blog.  I wouldn’t be working with my sister.  I wouldn’t be using my love of writing and helping people to reach out to others who may need it.  I would still be toiling away at my job, unhappy as ever.

What I want people to take away here though, is that you must take that first step if you ever want things to change.  God has so many blessings in store when you seek His will and obey.  I have seen it work first-hand and I know it will work for you, too.  The key is seeking God’s will, not your own.  He will work the rest out for you.

Take risks.  Step out of your comfort zone.  Whatever your situation might be, turn to God and pray for guidance and direction.  He wants to bless us, but He can’t if we don’t first move our feet.  Even if it’s just a baby step, at least it’s a start!

So be brave, bold and courageous.  Have faith and remember, we were made for great things!

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