Tag Archive | changing circumstances

Have Faith, Will Travel

Sometimes in life we get ourselves into situations that we feel we need to stay in.  Situations that may not be the best for us to live up to our true potential.

Maybe we get stuck in a job we don’t like and feel we need to stay just because it’s stable and will pay the bills.  Or maybe it’s a relationship we invest a lot of time in, so we feel we can’t just up and walk away.

But when any of these negative situations goes on for too long, it can begin to steal our joy and zest for life.  I speak from experience, and it’s one of the reasons I am so passionate about telling people that we have but one life to live, so it’s important that we live it well and to its fullest potential.  God wants us to live in such a way that it’s a light for all to see.  We can’t do that if we’re stuck in a situation that’s constantly Continue reading