Change Yourself, Change the World

In my last post, I spoke about making changes to a negative situation in our lives.  But what if there’s something about ourselves that needs to change?  A wrong attitude or thought pattern?  One that’s unhealthy and doesn’t do us or anyone else any good?

This can be a lot trickier to determine.  How are we to know when there’s something in our heart that needs to change?

One of the problems with seeing our own flaws is pride.  Pride blocks the Holy Spirit’s ability to communicate with us.  It tells us we are just fine the way we are, thank you very much.  What do you mean we need to change something?  I’m doing just fine on my own…

It takes a humble heart to be able to kick your pride to the curb.  We can’t change without being honest with ourselves.  We all have something that can be improved, something we can work on:


romans 3 23


Another Holy Spirit blocker is this world itself.  It’s such a noisy place with tons of things to distract us.  We need to be vigilant about taking some quiet time to be with the Lord.  For when we are quiet is when we will hear His voice the loudest.


I wanted to take a moment to share the seven things God hates:

Proverbs 6:16-19

What the Lord Hates

16 The Lord hates these seven things:
17     eyes that show pride,
    tongues that tell lies,
    hands that kill innocent people,
18     hearts that plan evil things to do,
    feet that run to do evil,
19     witnesses in court who tell lies,
    and anyone who causes family members to fight.


Also take a look at the ten commandments:

10 commandments



When an idea for a blog post comes to mind, it oftentimes is regarding something that I need to work on myself.  So please know that I don’t share these things to judge anyone.  That’s not my place.  Lord knows I have much to fix myself!  For starters, being more patient, reaching out to others better, and just being more loving overall.  Day by day I am working to break free from my typically shy, reserved self.  No one can see the light God gives you if you are afraid to “Let It Go” (thanks Elsa!).

My point is, if we don’t take the time to look inside and ask the Lord to reveal what we need to change, we may never see it.  Take a minute to think about the verses above.  Do any of them apply to you?  Pray for a sensitive heart.  One that can see an area that you need to work on.  Then pray for strength and wisdom on how to change.

It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.  The more we conform to the image of Christ, the more light that will shine in this dark world.  Thank you, Lord, for not giving up on me!  Know that He’ll never give up on you, either.

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