Christianity’s Worst-Kept Secret

The idea for this post hit me at probably one of the most inconvenient times, when I was deep in thought yet unable to write anything down.  That’s right…in the shower…but when the Holy Spirit speaks to you, you listen!

As the context of this article was generating in my mind, this was the post title that came to me first.  But what exactly does it mean?  Well, it’s something that is a big misconception yet doesn’t get spoken about nearly enough, making it somewhat secretive.  But it shouldn’t be, thus making it Christianity’s Worst-Kept Secret…

I was thinking about how as soon as you mention you’re a Christian, suddenly people look at you differently.  Like you must live a perfect life and never do anything wrong, all pure and innocent while strumming a harp and sitting with perfect posture, living life in harmony with all of creation.  What I want to tell people is, that is so very far from the truth.

So here’s where the big secret comes in.  Ready?


Christians aren’t perfect.  


Wow, it feels really good to let that cat out of the proverbial bag!

One of the things I am striving for with this blog is to be completely transparent.  I believe we are most effective when we share our vulnerabilities.  This world needs more honesty.  It’s inspiring when we let others know they are not alone with their struggles.  That we are all in this together and can learn from each other.  To see how God has worked in our lives and know that He is with us through all of our difficulties and that He understands.  To realize that, in the words of the great Bob Marley, “every little thing gonna be all right.” (Matthew 6:25-34…).

After becoming a Christian, this notion that I had to be perfect was one of the things I struggled with a lot.  I felt like if I wasn’t, I was letting God down.  When I did something that was less than what a “good” Christian would do, it seemed I was somehow tarnishing all of Christianity’s reputation.

That’s true in a way, I suppose.  When you proclaim to be a Christian, people do watch you more closely.  They are waiting to see what you do and how you act.  When you do mess up?  Well then, it must all be a lie.  It brings to mind one of the worst things a Christian ever wants to be called…hypocrite!

What pressure to put oneself under.  What a terrible weight to put on one’s shoulders!  Especially for a new believer.  That’s why I felt so compelled to put this out there, for people to understand that we’re not perfect, and that’s ok.

God is perfect.  Jesus is perfect.  That’s why we need Him as a Savior.

What the onlooking public needs to realize is that we’re still human.  We mess up from time to time.  Some more than others (here’s looking at me, kid).  But what I want to put out there is:  That’s OK!!

Where we mess up is where God’s grace comes in.

2 corintians 12 9

Please don’t take this as me saying we can do whatever we want and not worry about the consequences.  What I’m saying is that we need not put ourselves under such pressure!  God knows we’re not perfect.  But you know what?  He loves us just the same.  We don’t need to feel guilty about it.

Every once in a while I hear God whisper words of wisdom to me.  One of the times I was struggling with this notion that I had to be perfect, I heard Him say “Do your best.  I’ll forgive the rest.”  Oh yeah…how could I forget something so important?!  I am forgiven!  I am set free.  No longer bound by the chains of sin.  Thank you, Lord!

I have also seen this judgmental attitude among fellow Christians, which is even worse.  We are called to love one another, not condemn each other.  Just because you may be farther down the path, that does not give you the right to look down upon those that are further behind.  Guide and direct, yes, but with love.  Don’t forsake the cross.  You still need it, too.


We’re only human after all (cue Level 42’s Something About You).  We are all trying our best, but we do mess up.  Such a relief to know we are also forgiven!  What a wonderful gift from God.

So there you have it.  Christianity’s worst-kept secret.  It’s OK not to be perfect.  Please don’t think you have to be.  Yes, we are called to grow in the knowledge of Christ and become as much like Him as we can, but that is a very slow process.  It takes time, and even up until the end of our lives we will still never be completely like Him.

Be real.  Be who God made you to be.  You will make mistakes, but you will also learn from them.  If you are someone reading this and feeling that internal struggle with guilt, just remember:  “Do your best.  He’ll forgive the rest.”

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