The Truth Behind the Lies

I am writing today about self esteem and learning to overcome negative thoughts and self perception.  So often we allow what others think of us determine what we think about ourselves.  This is not how it should be.  Don’t let others control you with their opinions.  Don’t let them put you in a box that you feel you must live inside just because someone else said so.

As soon as the negative thoughts enter your mind you need to reject them and know that they are a lie.  Don’t let them take residence and sway how you feel about yourself because once that happens, it can be a real slippery slope with you feeling worse and worse about yourself each time.  We need to stop looking to others for validation.

In this day and age where so much of our lives involve social media, it can be very easy to become discouraged, fueling the negativity in our minds as a result.  Oftentimes people feel like they can say whatever nasty things they want without consequence, hiding behind the safety of their computer screen.  These things can hurt of course, but only if you allow it.  Also, we have a tendency to look for positive reinforcement from others on social media.  This isn’t a healthy habit.  When we don’t get it, we think something must be wrong with ourselves.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t post at all.  I think it’s great to share in other people’s lives.  I’m just saying when we do, we shouldn’t do it just for a reaction from others.  Don’t allow yourself to be defined by the response or lack thereof that your receive.


We need to know how valuable each and every one of us is.  God has given us each special gifts and talents and we are all precious in His sight.  That is the truth we need to let settle in our hearts.  Believe it.  Trust it.  Because it’s true.  Once you do that, you will start to see your confidence grow.  You will start to love yourself more, and as a result, you will start to love others more as well.  We are here to help each other with the strengths God has given us in order to build each other up.  We can’t do this if we are constantly thinking we are no good because somebody else said so.

Once you learn to love who God made you to be, there’s no one that can bring you down with their hate.  No one will be able to control you anymore.  You will be completely free because you will be living out God’s purpose for your life.  And THAT is something you can believe in and trust, not what others have to say about you.  If people want to pick you apart for your weaknesses, that says far more about them then it ever does about you.  Remember that.

So don’t buy into the hate.  You…are…amazing!!  God has you here for a reason.  Love who God made you to be, and the talents He has given you.  Love yourself and then get out there and change the world!  Don’t let anyone else stop you.  In the end, YOU are responsible for your own happiness.  Don’t let the negativity of others get you down.  Remember, other people don’t qualify you, God does.

Much love to you, my friends!

2 thoughts on “The Truth Behind the Lies

  1. Awesome! I have had to completely step away from social media at times because it made me feel so badly about myself. Most of the time people the things you see online are exaggerations of what a person’s life is, not a true snapshot. You don’t often see the real person behind the profile picture. I’m glad I realize that now.

    • You are so right! Very good point. It is important to step away at times and keep things in perspective. Thanks for your comment!

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