
Here we are again to mourn yet another tragic shooting incident; left to wonder why and asking ourselves how this could have been prevented. This is happening far too often. We should never have to fear sending our children off to school each day, wondering if they will return home safely! We know something needs to change. But what? How?

It seems like it should be a simple fix, yet nothing seems to change.  And if the tragedy itself wasn’t bad enough, next enters in all the negativity being spewed over social media about everyone’s opinions on what needs to be done to stop this from happening. This only seems to compound the problem. No one can seem to agree on anything except the fact that this needs to stop. With so many varying views, nobody knows what to do. And so, nothing gets done. Round and round we go. But time is up. Enough is enough!

There certainly are measures that could be put into practice to help better protect our children at school, and they absolutely should be done. However, this post is not going to be about what I think our politicians can do to make things safer. No, this is about an underlying issue that I feel needs to be addressed. One that runs far deeper than anything new regulations can control. After all, if you take away guns, there are always bombs, knives, or whatever else a disturbed individual can get their hands on to complete their objective.

No, this is about getting to the root of the problem. And the ultimate root of the problem is…the condition of our hearts. Some might call this a mental health issue, but ultimately I feel it is an emotional health issue. I’m not saying there aren’t true cases out there where someone’s brain/chemicals are truly imbalanced, but I think a lot more of these cases stem from hurtful experiences in life.

A person is so much more than flesh and blood. We are souls first and foremost, and souls are made to give and receive love. The amount of love in this world (or lack thereof) is what I truly believe is the cause of so many problems we see. People are broken to begin with. Couple this with all the horrible things that can happen in this world right from the very day we are born, and one can only take so much before they snap.

So how do we reach out to these poor souls before that happens? Is it possible to step in and turn the tide in someone’s life before it’s too late? I believe it is. Call me a dreamer, but I truly feel it is possible to change someone’s heart with the power of love. It’s just a matter of them being actually able to see it. To truly feel it and realize that there is more to life than just pain.

But how do we do this? That is the biggest challenge…

If we could all just take a minute to evaluate what we could each do in our lives to reach out and help others. To think before we speak. To offer a kind word before a hateful one. Seek understanding before judgment. Take time to listen to someone. Give what someone is lacking, without expecting anything in return. To put it simply, just taking time to care! These are just a few examples. If we could do this if even for a day…my, what a different world this would be!

These are things that we can do for each other. But there is yet another layer to all of this, and that is learning to love ourselves. People that do these horrific acts are so full of hate. Because they never experienced any of the above, they don’t know what love looks like. How it feels. They only experience the bad things in life. The flip side of it all. And so, they know not of love. Only hate. If that is all they know, that is all that’s real to them. If no one shows them love, they will never know how to love themselves. Their hearts turn cold and bitter. And so, here we are.

It all connects. Bad experiences lead to bad decisions. One after another until things are so far gone we wonder if there is any way back. But there is a way. Love, my friends. Love is the way back! It’s an upward battle, but it is possible. If we all put in the effort. Each one of us individually striving for a better world will create a better world! This is a certainty.

The government can only do so much. Things that will help and should be done, yes. But ultimately we need to stop looking at them for the answer and look to ourselves. The power to fix this broken country and world lies not within their power, but within our own!

So, take some time today to be the best, most loving version of yourself that you can be. See how it transforms not only your life but the lives of those around you. One by one, heart by heart, love will conquer hate. Instead of a domino effect into darkness, let’s turn it around into one of light! You and me, together. Love boldly!

Thanks so much for reading this friends. I hope it moves something in your heart to do more. Be more. Know that God loves you very much. Feel it. Accept it. Be changed! God bless.

4 thoughts on “Imagine…

  1. Nicely done & well said Amy. I challenge myself daily to be more understanding & patient with those who don’t see things as I do! I Know my experiences can be quite different than others so try to remember that when I interact with someone.

    My biggest obstacle seems to always be my race & not my character. Before I can open my mouth people judge. We raise our kids the way we were raised, not to see color but character. To see everyone as having value.

    Now I don’t want to come across as if that’s the only problem we face. Somehow we as a people have forgotten basic values! Common courtesy is not so common anymore. Most neighbors don’t even speak to each other! Kids are forced to raise themselves in some instances, which leads to even more problems. When I was a teen the older kids would teach the younger ones. Your neighbors would correct you when you did something out of line. That just doesn’t happen anymore. Most are scared to say anything. No sense of community. Just sad! Even the Church doesn’t seem to have the same role it had in the community years ago.

    As a child, education was key. It’s what my parents valued right behind God & Family! They sacrificed for me & my brothers, knowing it was the only way to rise above the pitfalls we would face in life.

    I wish I had the answers to turn things around! Ultimately I’m responsible for for me and my household. We will continue to prayer for this nation, it’s leadership & the people that make it what it is.

    Thanks Amy for such a positive, productive & thought provoking blog. I truly value your friendship, I think the world of you & your family.
    Your friend,
    Anthony Jones

    • Thank you so much for this thoughtful response, Anthony. You are right, everyone comes from a different place in this world, and that’s why it is so important to have patience and seek understanding first! People are so quick to lash out at each other these days, and that only adds to the problem. I teach my kids the same, to look at character, not color! We are all the same inside. We are all one. It is very disheartening to see the decline in our society, but like you said, all we can do is our personal best and teach our children to do the same, and keep the rest in prayer. God bless you and your family, Anthony! I am very thankful to know you as well!

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