
The Super Bowl Of Life

It’s that time of the year again!! That’s right, Super Bowl Sunday is quickly approaching! As a Philadelphia Eagles fan, this one is super special! It’s the first time in 13 years that we have gotten into the Super Bowl. As an avid Eagles fan, this is the most amazing feeling ever!! We have been the underdogs this whole time, yet here we are. And as I lay in my bed last night struggling to sleep, this made me think about how the Super Bowl is much like life. Seriously, you ask?? Yes!! Let me explain… Continue reading

Keeping It Real

Let’s just take a minute to get real. With each other and with ourselves…

This is something that’s been on my mind the last couple of weeks and just would not let me be until I wrote this post. It’s regarding the process of evaluating our hearts, minds and thoughts. I think the start of the New Year is what triggered it. I was thinking about the year ahead and the things I want to accomplish. I was evaluating my life, but then the Spirit spoke to me and asked me what I was doing to evaluate my heart.

I think it’s something that is healthy for us to do, to actually stop and take a good hard look into our thought processes and to be more intentional about what we think and how we act. Do you let just any old thought pop in there and run amok? (Amok, amok, amok!!) Unless you are evaluating your thoughts and sorting out the good ones from the bad, that’s what will happen. As a result darkness, chaos and disorder can start to set in. Continue reading

Overcoming Insecurities

Have you ever heard that little voice inside that tells you that you’re not good enough? The one that says you will never succeed or amount to anything in life?  No doubt we all have at one point or another.

Maybe it stemmed from a mistake you made, or trying to compare yourself to someone else, or perhaps someone treated you badly.

Whatever the cause, when we listen to that voice, it takes our failures and imperfections and turns them against us.  As a result, we begin to feel insecure and start doubting our God-given abilities.

I want to tell you that those negative things are not true, so we should never believe them.  Those kind of thoughts have absolutely no place Continue reading