Archive | January 21, 2024

The Great Remembering

My, my, how the time flies. It’s hard to believe it’s been so long since my last post. A lot has been happening, not only to me personally, but obviously on the world stage as well. So much so that I feel I have somehow lost my way amidst all the distractions. They call it the Great Awakening because we have all been asleep for so long. Once the blinders come off, they can never be put back on. Pursuing rabbit hole after rabbit hole will change a person. Typically for the better, but I feel in my own personal journey that I have somehow lost my way in the process.

When you learn of the horrors of organized religion, it leaves quite a bitter taste in your mouth. I am not saying that everyone that goes to church is involved in said horrors. Of course not. I’d say that people for the most part are good-hearted and well-intentioned. It’s what goes on behind the scenes in the upper echelons that has turned me away. I am not only referring to the unfathomably evil things involving children, but also the simple fact that if you are going to get involved in any church, they will expect you to adhere to their doctrine. I have come to learn that far too much of what we have been taught has been altered and much has been kept from us, so I could never “stick to one lane” so to speak.

However, I will say that backing away from organized religion has left me feeling a little bit distanced
from God. I sat in meditation today asking for guidance in why I feel this way. I consider myself a godly person, so where is the disconnect coming from? Then the answer came back crystal clear. It’s been my own doing. I have been spending so much time wrapped up in the “Great Awakening” that I had let my relationship with God fall to the wayside. It’s ok to dig for truth and information, and we should be concerned about what we see going on in the world. However, there must be a balance. We must also take time to remain connected to our spiritual side. I have really missed writing, and that is a huge part of what helps me do that. I thought to myself, then get back to it!

I am on a renewed mission to develop my spiritual self. I started this blog back in 2015 because it felt like God was calling me to do so. I felt it was part of my mission. Letting it fall to the wayside feels like I have let my calling fall to the wayside. I let myself get caught up in other creative endeavors that at the time
felt right, and definitely still serve a purpose, but now I feel compelled to remember why I started doing THIS in the first place. I feel called to reignite this blog as a way to help reignite the fire in my soul and strengthen my connection to Source. I liken it to a spiritual “Dear Diary” of sorts. It’s a way to check in
and hold myself accountable.

Going into 2024, I felt that it was going to be a year of transformation for me, and keeping up with this blog is going to be a part of it. I want to ramp up what has been lying stagnant for far too long. I feel God calling me back to my original mission. I’m not exactly sure what that entails just yet, but I am excited to find out. There are things I am working on behind the scenes and I look forward to putting into practice. It’s time to graduate from the Great Awakening. This is the time of the Great Remembering, and I look forward to sharing it with whomever is meant to share in it with me. Watch this space. The best is yet to come!