Archive | April 19, 2018

Asleep at the Wheel

Did you ever start driving somewhere only to get to your destination and have no recollection of how you got there? Somewhere along the way your brain switched to autopilot while the rest of you just went through the motions. This happens to me from time to time and I’m always a little uneasy when I realize it’s happened. How could I have just driven all that way without even thinking about it? What did I miss along the way? It’s kind of scary really.

Did you realize that you can live your life the same way? At some point along the way your life can become such a routine that you wake up each morning and just start going through the motions. Day after day goes by, one blending into the next until one day you suddenly realize that YEARS have gone by. What have I been doing all that time? What have I missed? How did this even happen? Continue reading