Archive | February 2017

The Next Step

There are a lot different ways to live your life in this big, crazy world.  Many of us will grow up, get a job, buy a house, maybe get married and have a family, and will just continue in the great circle of life until the good Lord calls them home.  Is there anything wrong with this?  I’m not saying that necessarily.  As long as you’re happy in what you’re doing!

Many however, are not happy.  They become stuck in a rut and life just becomes just a series of ho-hum days, which turn into ho-hum weeks, months and finally…years.

My friends, we are meant to live for so much more than this!  I speak from experience.  I was that person, going to the same ho-hum job every day, just doing what I felt I had to do.  But then I heard God’s call to me, telling me it was time for a change.  That He had much bigger plans for me.

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